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Spreading Love

The activity started from the 21st Sept, 2016 to 27th Sept, 2016. this activity was about showing your love and care to people and creating a positive environment. When a person is mentally unwell, one thing that can cheer them up is LOVE and care. So, give them some love and show them that you care. give it to someone who you think needs it.

Activity: This activity was held at the Aga khan academy, hyd. students and teachers wrote notes to each other and made every one feel special. They wrote notes and My team and I delivered it with a roses that brought smiles on everyone's faces. its was about saying : thank you, sorry, miss you, love you, anything to your friends and volunteers sat in lunch on 21st, 22nd and 23rd, in front of the senior school staff room. and we delivered love on Monday and Tuesday which was the 26th and 27th Sept, 2016.

Everyone enjoyed it and there was something different about people every since and that was a good difference. In fact, I got notes saying that I should do thing more often and that they were proud of me for coming up with this activity that brought the entier school together.



Hey guys! I am Aliza Hamirani. I study at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. This blog is my 10th grade 'Personal Project'. I am glad that IB has given a platform to showcase my understanding and knowledge.


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