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They say that mythology is a vast science of beliefs and myths, is one of the one of the richest elements in all culture across the globe. The myriad of stories has knowingly or unknowingly captivated man and delineated his convention of leading life. As time has a wonderful way of showing humans what really matters; in the present day, it is clear that time has failed to drop of the superstitions that came along with those tales and seemingly, we assumed the form of superstitions, of one that is related to death. It is believed that if a human spots six of himself together it means death. Although the Chinese folklore tells of a three legged crow that symbolizes the sun, a common belief is that if a crow is in your house, it means that you’re going to get bad news. These superstitions do not stop with that. Humans have even gummed a falsity on the number of crows that are spotted too. Seeing one crow means bad luck. Seeing two crows means good luck. Hearing caws in a distance means that death is near, the same humans also believe that the same caws near the surroundings or on somebody’s home forecast the arrival of guests and finding a dead crow on the road means good luck. How grotesque!

Oh human! We are as normal as you are, as filled with life as you are and rather safer that you are to your own kind. With all your fears bound by superstitions and beliefs born from unauthenticated tales, is it right to destroy out honour and equate us to something as grave as death? You will not believe the innumerable stories across the world we can tell you about the absurd fallacies related to me! Everyone has at least one superstition that they follow, whether it is from a certain religion or a legend passed down from their ancestors. It is in the humans nature to come up with something to believe in, however obscure and ridiculous it maybe. BELIEVE!


Hey guys! I am Aliza Hamirani. I study at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. This blog is my 10th grade 'Personal Project'. I am glad that IB has given a platform to showcase my understanding and knowledge.


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