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GOING HAND IN HAND- Pets and Children

PAWS- vol 2 issue/ 12th august 2016

Boosts Confidence

Self- esteem plays a major role in shaping a person's life. it prompts a person to go after their dreams. according to a research, children of families who have pets have higher self-esteem. this could be because there is always a constant friend at home in the form of a pet, to love, talk and play with, when nobody's around. with intact and improved self-esteem, the child will be raring to go. Pets also aid in the child's academics. A reluctant reader can be turned into a self-confident one when the child is made to read aloud to a loyal and non-judging pet. Apart from from self-esteem and academic improvement, the most important aspect in the growing years of a child, is a stress-free environment and pets aid in creating such an environment for the child and his family. by simply brushing, patting or stroking a furry creature, anger and frustration will settle down. Also, having a lovable pet frolicking around in the house with an innocent face and pleasing demeanor, brings an instant smile to the onlooker. In such simple ways, pets can lower stress levels in a house. A peaceful and loving home is an ideal place for a child to grow.



Hey guys! I am Aliza Hamirani. I study at the Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad. This blog is my 10th grade 'Personal Project'. I am glad that IB has given a platform to showcase my understanding and knowledge.


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